For four springs our signature blue tarp has been the "roof" over the Station in fair weather and foul, rain, sleet and snow. No, not that TARP! paid for the tarp and all the banding equipment with the generous assistance of its members and supporters.
This season, after a brief setback, a new white shelter has replaced the old tarp (and its temporary camoflage replacement, donated by Terry Jenkins). No longer do visitors have to duck under the "roof" to see the birds being banded underneath. Nor do the banders have to move outside into the sunlight to see the "true" color of a bird's feathers. Thanks, Rob Klages (CVWO treasurer) and Brian Taber (CVWO president) for erecting and securing the Station's new cover. Birders, come visit us and see the brilliant migrants as they visit First Landing State Park during the next four weeks. It is worth the walk. Follow the signs from the Trail Center. And try to come early. The FLSP gates open shortly after 6:30 a.m.
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