Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Sparrows.

Three new sparrows were banded at First Landing over the past three days. One was simply lost, the Field Sparrow. The other two were always there, but our nets were not.

The extreme high water of last week flooded out a number of our net lanes for several days. Although the high water also flooded the saltmarshes which adjoin the station, the water came and went with each tidal cycle. Not so with the water in our net lanes. Thus, after cutting off a ripped trammel from each, I set out two old mist nets in the saltmarsh. Success in the form of a Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow and a Seaside Sparrow came quickly. No doubt there will be more, as the Lynnhaven seems to be an attractive estuary to each species. Perhaps a Nelson's Sharp-tail will soon appear.

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